Sunday, October 9, 2011

Starting out


Although I know not a soul will ever read this. So I suppose this will simply be my own mind poured onto electronic paper.

I'm not going to tell you anything about myself, I think it better to let you figure that out over time. I mean, when you meet a new person, they don't just start rattling off all the stupid shit they like to do. No one does that. Why should I? I'm hoping you will slowly form a picture of me, and my personality through my opinions, actions, expressed here in. Just like any normal individual would do. I don't know why people find themselves so important when it comes to silly face book pages or blogs such as these.

I know for a fact no one gives a shit about you, me or anyone else. I'm not saying that as a "I hate the world" suicidal type of way. I'm simply stating the very real truth of current times; no one cares about anything that isn't right in front of them. In the age of instant gratification combined with the inundation of technology, we have simply lost the ability to care. Ever have a conversation with someone that isn't really trying to exchange thoughts or ideas, but instead just waiting for their turn to speak? It happens often, keep an eye out for it the next time you are out and about. But anyway that is my point, that is a synonym for our life today. We aren't participating, we are just waiting for our turn to do whatever is important to us.

Everything has to serve a purpose or do "something". Down to even people. Fuck, you would be hard pressed to find a normal telephone. People are so involved with projecting their lives onto everyone around them with media outlets such as twitter and face book because they are convinced people actually care. When in reality they are simply waiting for their turn to do the same. There are actual social disorders associated with these very things. People are becoming depressed due to the fact their lives aren't interesting to others, or that they lack attention. Having the inability to project their life and experiences (no matter how trivial) is actually causing people harm.

Not to mention the fact that as our technological savvy increases, our basic knowledge or even capacity for such a thing is diminished exponentially. How many people know how to make a fire that doesn't involve a BIC lighter or gasoline? How about planting vegetables, or basic trauma medicine? How to live in the woods/desert/mountains/winter/summer etc? Those things have been the staple of human existence for thousands of years. Every single man, woman and child used to know everything about these subjects because life depended on it. But in the last 50 years we have pissed it all away because we think we will never need such things. You might be right, but when and if that time comes you are fucked. No, not just fucked, completely fucked. Without question.

So, we shun traditionally useful knowledge that would actually have a capacity and potential to serve us well in the future. Instead we watch the real housewives of whatever regional shit hole they choose. I bet the show "Real crack heads of Atlanta" wouldn't be so popular. Because then we would actually have to look into the mirror and see the shitty lives we live first hand. No, we rather live in some fantasy bullshit life on a television program.

Speaking of which, have you ever watched a person watch television? I mean, you have witnessed people watching television of course, but have you actually OBSERVED a person watching television? They just zone out. Lifeless. A complete waste. We are capable of such great feats physically and mentally. Yet we are content to feed our fat faces with processed chicken dicks and pork bladders filled with preservatives that won't allow the food to decompose and watch visual diarrhea like American Idol or that stupid bitch Kim Kardashian.

The nuts on that cunt. And I mean that in every fashion. A 2 million dollar wedding band? Do you have any idea how many lives she could have bettered with that money? People she could have saved from illnesses easily prevented with medicine they can't afford? Fuckin' a. No she rather have it pissed away on a rock. A rock that is formed in the the ground which is only important because people say it is.

Do people know we can create diamonds now? That are actually 100 times cheaper and indistinguishable from the real thing? When I say real thing I mean the ones that obviously serve no more purpose. Would you scoff at oxygen created in a lab if you needed it? Assuming it served the same purpose? No you wouldn't. But if it goes on your fuckin' finger and serves no practical purpose, we can't have any substitutions can we? Disgusting. Not to mention over half of all diamonds we use for anything are conflict diamonds. But who gives a shit right? Some mullie digs for 14 hours a day in knee deep water everyday all day as a slave. Or if you are lucky a "paid employee" making 20 cents a day. Just enough to not allow them enough money to leave the refugee camp they live in. Hoping they get rewarded with a "stray" pistol round to the head.

If people would actually take a second and look at themselves subjectfully, they would shit themselves.  The things we do are absurd. Our reasons for nearly every daily action are self serving and treacherous at best. If I was an alien race, I'd stay the fuck away from us yahoos too. I bet you don't even know what a Yahoo is do you? It sums us up perfectly if you ever stumble upon the book the word actually comes from. No, it wasn't always a search engine. Just like everything else in life, a complete rip off that muddies the water and pollutes the true meaning and message of things.

But, what are you gonna do?